About this Episode
There we were at LMT Lab Day East. Judy Fishman comes up to us and introduces us to Kamilla Siekierski CDT. She says we have to have her on the podcast. Kamilla tells us about her faciniating life of learning dental technology in Poland, coming to America, and eventually becoming a leader in our profession. This is a remakable tale that you don't hear very often and one that you don't want to miss.
Vision 21 Jan 16-18, 2020 - LAS VEGAS - Palms Casino Resort & Spa
If you have never been to the meeting get in touch with the NADL to get a special discounted rate. Either by phone at (800) 950-1150 or by email at meetings@nadl.org and tell them you heard about the Vision 21 Meeting from Voices From the Bench and you will get a special rate of almost $200 off the regular attendee price.
Voices of Dentistry Podcast Summit Jan 24 & 25, 2020 - SCOTTSDALE - Hilton Scottsdale Resort & Villas
Thanks to our good friends at Kettenbach
LMT Lab Day Chicago - Feb 20 - 22, 2020 - Hyatt Regency Chicago
Don't miss the biggest dental laboratory show of the year! This one will be EPIC!