About this Episode
Looking to learn exocad? Check out the Institute of Digital Dentistry for a great online training program. Elvis approved!
Join Elvis and Barb in Mallorca, Spain in May 2024 for exocad Insights. Make plans today and more details to follow!
We love stories of success in the dental lab industry. One such story is the career of Todd Reid. Todd learned about dental technology from a high school friend and was soon on a path that led to owning Access Dental Laboratories in Syracuse, NY. It definitely wasn’t an easy journey, but luckily he had the opportunity to work for and with a lot of great people that helped him along the way. Todd talks about learning every “seat” in a lab, some unique opportunities that most technicians don’t get, deciding to open a lab and how he went about it, and creating a working environment that centers around treating his employees with respect.