About this Episode
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It's always good, as technicians, to get a clinical perspective of all the work we do. Let's be honest, without the clinical side.... We wouldn't have work. But getting to talk to a clinician that LOVES and APPRECIATES lab work is even better. Dr. Wendy Clark is an Associate Professor of Prosthodontics at UNC Adams School of Dentistry. You would think since she is a professor, she would only teach analog ways. This is so not true. Dr. Clark is a fan of the digital denture workflow and teaches it to her students right along with the analog method. Dr. Clark talks about her history with digital dentures, how the workflow has improved over the years, what causes them to succeed, and what causes them to fail. If you don't think dentists are coming out of school wanting digital dentures.... think again. The demand is there and only growing.
Also see Dr. Clark at IDT Live Digital Dentistry Symposium April 12 & 13, 2004 in Indianapolis!