About this Episode
Barb got held up at her lab over the weekend, Elvis is solo on this one. While at the Eastern Conference of Dental Laboratories Elvis took a break from speaking and recording to bring two conversations he got while at the Whip Mix Digital Forum back in early October. First up is the man, Denture Dan Elfring. He sits down to talk about his start back in the Air Force, working in a in-office laboratory, and being a SUPER Master CDT. Then Elvis is joined by the only identical twin laboratory owners Elise Holasek and Anita Cranford, both CDTs, who co-own a lab but their story on how they get into the industry is not a common one. Join us from Whip Mix’s Digital Forum.
NEXT UP for Voices From the Bench – Visions 21 - January 16th – 18th.
If you have never been to the meeting get in touch with the NADL to get a special discounted rate. Either by phone at (800) 950-1150 or by email at meetings@nadl.org and tell them you heard about the Vision 21 Meeting from Voices From the Bench and you will get a special rate of almost $200 off the regular attendee price.