About this Episode
LMT LAB DAY Chicago is this weekend! Elvis and Barb are super excited to be there recording as many people as we can. But first we must bring you a fantastic interview we got a few months ago. Eugene Royzengurt is an assistant that became a technician, who then became an educator, and is now becoming a denturist living in a state he can't even be a denturist in. Eugene talks about his beginnings, running a one-person lab, and attending the American Denturist School.
Thanks to the wonderful people at ARGEN, Elvis and Barb will be recording at LMT Lab Day Chicago 2020 - February 21 & 22. We will be set up at the Argen Booth (I16/I17) to talk to all the amazing attendees, educators, vendors, and anyone else willing to sit down. If you want to schedule a time, be sure to send us an email at info@voicesfromthebench.com and we can get it lined up. Or just stop by. We would love to meet you!
Check out the AMAZING line up at Lab Day Chicago from Argen!
Register HERE!
There is still time to register for this week's Cal-Lab Annual Meeting.
February 20 & 21 at the Westin Hotel on Michigan Ave.