We found 8 episodes of Voices from The Bench with the tag “all-on-4”.
330: The Final More From exocad Insights 2024 with Chuck Genco, Yousef Ibrahim, Maher Al Hanfeish, Jen Ludwig, and Lindsey Rowan
July 22nd, 2024 | 1 hr 7 mins
10k, 5k, ai, all-on-4, cdt, cheerleading, corus, dental, digital, dso, dtx, efficiency, exocad, fort worth, fundraising, grants, implants, ivoclar, laboratory, leadership, miyo, podcast, raising money, scanning, solutions, sponsorships, support, technician, texas, time to teeth, triathlon, van hook, voices from the bench, warranty, workflow, zirconia
All good things must end as we wrap up the final conversations from exocad Insights 2024 with Chuck Genco, Yousef Ibrahim, Maher Al Hanfeish. Then we tack on a conversation about the Race For the Future with Jen Ludwig and Lindsey Rowan.
280: Getting Smart About Conversions with Dr. Brandon Kofford
August 7th, 2023 | 1 hr 7 mins
air force, all-on-4, all-on-x, better quality, block out, break, conversions, dam it, dental, divergance, england, full arch, implants, laboratory, less time, locator, multi unit abutment, occlusion, overdenture, pick up, podcast, screws, separate, taper, technician, voices from the bench
If you do conversions, are thinking about doing conversions, or just want to learn more, this is the episode for you. We talk to Dr. Brandon Kofford, a prosthodontist that developed the Smart Denture Conversions system that saves time and produces a better restoration.
279: Lab Day West Coast Stories Part 5 with Glen Smith and Gary Archer
July 31st, 2023 | 1 hr 3 mins
all-on-4, asiga, auctions, austin powers, auto wash, british teeth, broken teeth, cdt, dental, diastema, digital, fangs, genesis, interview with a vampire, ivoclar, lab day west, laboratory, lock down, passion, podcast, printing, te, technician, teeth, training, try in, ugly, voices from the bench, vulcanite, wax, whitney houston, workflow
This week we wrap up the conversions from LMT Lab Day West 2023 thanks to Ivoclar. First up is Glen Smith from the Apex Dental Lab Group talking about digital denture workflow and the “movie toothmaker” Gary Archer talks about what recent movies and shows he has worked on.
269: Wrapping It All Up at the Ivoclar Ballroom From Lab Day Chicago with Susan van Kinsbergen, Neal Allen, Julio Munoz, Zack Wojdan
May 22nd, 2023 | 1 hr 4 mins
ai design, all-on-4, artistic, builder, carbon, ceramics, chairside, conversions, dani, daughter, dental, drivers, flexible, glaze, high end, hybrids, immediate load, implants, issaquah, ivoclar, knight, lab, lab day chicago, laboratory, leadership, manager, milling, miyo, opaque, open door, pfm, photography, podcast, printing, removables, screws, shipping, technician, teeth, thanksgiving, voices from the bench, welu, zimvie
Elvis and Barb wrap up all the amazing recordings from the Ivoclar Ballroom at Lab Day Chicago with Susan van Kinsbergen, Neal Allen, Julio Munoz, and Zack Wojdan
258: Love At First Tooth with Lola and Mark Welch
March 6th, 2023 | 1 hr 6 mins
all-on-4, all-on-x, anaxdent, asiga, ceramic designs, dental, dtg, full arch, gc, headhunter, hybrids, implants, instagram, ivoclar, keystone, laboratory, lmt lab day chicago, london, models, nexa3d, open source, pink composite, plant bases, podcast, social media, technician, trees, uk, voices from the bench
This week we talk to the Welch's. Lola and Mark meet while both working at dental labs in the UK. Together they talk about getting into the industry, falling in love, getting married, continuing to work together, and what amazing things they are doing today.
257: A Nation Full of Full Arches with Dr. Mark Nation
February 27th, 2023 | 1 hr 4 mins
airway, all-on-4, baby boomers, bruxism, cbct, christmas, clenching, dental, dry mouth, farm living, hybrid, implant failure, implants, iti, laboratory, lmt lab day chicago, medication, mouth breather, occlusion, patient expectation, podcast, sleep apnea, technician, trauma, voices from the bench
This week we talk to Prosthodontist Dr. Mark Nation out of Louisville, Kentucky. Dr. Nation spends a lot of time fixing bad "All-on-Xs", so he's seen the good and bad. Dr. Nation talks about the why patients’ teeth fail and the proper way to address the issues before restoring the teeth.
227: Alakazam and Presto! It’s Tony Prestipino!
August 1st, 2022 | 1 hr 10 mins
all-on-4, all-on-x, biomet, confidence, dental, digital design, encode, laboratory, oem, pankey, partnership, podcast, porcelain abutment, technician, twins, voices from the bench, zimmer, zimvie
This week we are joined by Tony Prestipino from Artifex Dental Laboratory. Tony talks about family, family lab life, and life with family out of the lab, and lab life with family. Also implants, conversions, and patents.
207: Lab Life is a Journey with Dennis Kalashnik CDT
March 14th, 2022 | 1 hr 58 secs
all on x, all-on-4, conversions, dental, dental wings, dentures, full arch, immediate load, implants, laboratory, partials, passion, pic system, podcast, technician, voices from the bench, zirconia
This week is a wonderful conversation with Dennis Kalashnik, who talks about his journey in dental technology. From clinical, to prisons, to family labs, to working by himself, Dennis has been on a career long path that has led him to chairside full arch implant laboratory work.