We found 5 episodes of Voices from The Bench with the tag “research”.
358: Ryan McEachern Covers It All, From A to Zubler
February 3rd, 2025 | 58 mins 54 secs
3shape, bruxzir, cad/cam, ceramic, dental, development, exocad, faster, full arch, germany, glidewell, heating, hyperdent, laboratory, manufacturing, medit, milling machines, ovens, podcast, redon, research, sales, service, sintering, suction, technical support, technician, testing, voices from the bench
This week we talk to Ryan McEachern, who does sales, service, and support for all the things at Zubler USA. Ryan talks growing up with a technician father, getting into R&D at a LARGE lab, and some of the amazing equipment and materials that sets Zubler apart.
259: You Have the Right to Remain in a Digital Restoration with Raul Garcia
March 13th, 2023 | 1 hr 1 min
3 shape, 3d scanning, animation, blue sky, cad/cam, cop, dental, exocad, laboratory, pixar, podcast, research, security, self-teaching, surgical planning, teaching, technician, voices from the bench
This week brings us police officer turned dental technician, Raul Garcia. Raul has an interesting path that took him from patrolling the streets to doing the digital work for the students at the University of Oklahoma School of Dentistry.
125: Paul, Paul The Science Guy: Paul Cascone from Argen Explains Zirconia
August 17th, 2020 | 55 mins 5 secs
alloys, atoms, dental, iron, laboratory, minerals, mining, oxidation, podcast, research, science, technician, voices from the bench
Do you really know what Zirconia is? We just grab a puck and mill it. But do you know how it gets to your lab? Paul Cascone from Argen comes on the podcast to explain where it comes from and how it gets into your mill.
124: Teeth and Taxes: R&D Credit with John Beasley & Tracy Lustyan from alliantgroup
August 10th, 2020 | 59 mins 28 secs
cdt, dental, development, laboratory, podcast, research, tax credit, technician, voices from the bench
When it comes to exciting topics, every lab technician instantly thinks of taxes! No? Maybe some should. Hear how John Beasley from Classic Craft Dental Lab teamed up with Tracy Lustyan from the alliantgroup to get a bunch of tax credits towards things his lab was already doing.
112: Giving Tax Credit Where Credit Is Due: Adam Herman and Doug Kolker from Mueller Prost
May 18th, 2020 | 1 hr 5 mins
appreciation, cdt, covid-19, dental, laboratory, podcast, ppe, research, tax credit, technician, voices from the bench
First up is an update from Whip Mix with Pat Higgins about who they are dealing with the COVID-19 and supporting our industry. Then a conversation with Adam Herman and Doug Kolker from MuellerProst who talk about the R&E tax credit and lab recovery from the closing of dental offices.