About this Episode
A Big thanks to all the Dental Technicians out there for keeping our industry strong!
We have an episode packed full of great technicians from all around the world. Remember when we could still travel. When we were set up at the Argen booth at LMT Lab Day Chicago 2020 we talked to a great technician/dentist duo. Tommy Rodgers CDT from Iverson Dental Labs specializes in full arch hybrids and teamed up with a Dr. Mike Clark who understands the need for treatment planning with a good technician to do those cases. THEN all the way from Romania, we talk Ionut "Bob" Pitu who talks about what our industry is like over there and why he traveled to Lab Day. THEN we sit down with Joshua Fitzgerald again to talk with him about running a one-person lab and using social media as a tool of advertising.
Record yourself giving thanks to that special person or group in our industry and send it to us at info@voicesfromthebench.com. We will play them during all the episode in June to celebrate Dental Technician Appreciation month!