In the Face of Florida: Don Hebert, Ricardo Marrero, Dory Sartoris at the FDLA

Episode 173 · July 19th, 2021 · 1 hr 5 mins

About this Episode

Back out in the world! We are so happy to see dental lab shows start up again because we miss recording face-to-face so much. Elvis was down at the Preat booth at the Florida Dental Laboratory Association symposium last June. While working the booth, Elvis was able to chat with a few attendees. First up is Don Hebert CDT from Phoenix Dental Design talking about opening his own lab after being laid off during COVID. A great “rising from the ashes story”. Then we chat with Ricardo Marrero who is a young enthusiastic laboratory technician that is helping his dad run a satellite lab in North Carolina for a big lab in Florida called GPS Dental Lab. And then, because we love to chat with the incoming president of the FDLA, Dory Sartoris from DCS Dental Lab comes on to talk about how the post-covid show was and what the FDLA is working on to benefit the labs in Florida.

Whip Mix’s new Veriwash resin cleaning station is the ideal piece of equipment to use in the 3D printed resin post process. It’s oscillating, multi-speed stirrer produces a tornado-like vortex every 30-seconds, and guarantees efficient, effective and powerful cleaning whether the units are individual or still attached to the build plate.

The two alcohol baths make an effective step-wash system. It cleans more efficiently and there is less alcohol needed, since it is re-used for both a fresh bath and a dirty bath.

The VeriWash’s intelligent design offers features such as Mode, Time, and Start/Stop button display which gives the operator full and automatic control of the cleaning process. A mesh basket used in the wash container makes it easy to keep track of small printed parts when cleaning. The affordable unit’s one-year warranty ensures peace-of-mind for the owner.

Visit or call (800) 626-5651 for more information about this great new product.