About this Episode
Join us at Whip Mix's 8th Annual Digital Forum! October 4 - 5, 2019 in Louisville, Ky.
Spots are going FAST!
Bernie Jaroslow is the Marketing Manager at Whip Mix. 8 years ago he saw the need to bring together technicians to discuss the ever changing digital workflow in dental laboratories. This event was always held at Whip Mix and limited to 40 attendees. But this year they are going BIGGER! Also joining us is a speaker at the forum, Al Fillastre. Al has an interesting family history in dentistry and his presentation is called "Sinter, Glaze, and Go. Not Just Possible, Imperative!"
Support the Foundation For Dental Laboratory Technology by supporting the Race For the Future 6.0. When you are donating select "Race For The Future Racer" as type of donation. Then you can enter either Barbara Wodjan or Team Voices From the Bench.
*A BIG thank you to Digital Dental for supporting the podcast. Be sure to check out the AMAZING Nanoceramic Crystal Ultra® for an outstanding alternative to full arch restorations. *
Come see ELVIS Live as he and many others talk about dental laboratory marketing. The podcast is edited. Have you ever wondered what it is like unedited? Now is your chance.
2019 DS Lab Marketing Summit - September 20-21 - Charlotte, NC