About this Episode
This week we continue our conversation with Bernie Jaroslow, the Marketing Manager at Whip Mix and Al Fillastre, Owner of Ceram-O-Arts dental laboratory in Lakeland, Florida and a speaker at this years event. Bernie tells us more about line up of speakers and topics and Al reminds us that you still need to understand the basics in the digital world.
When you get new digital equipment in your lab usually the only training you can get easily is directly from the people you bought the equipment from. But you shouldn't stop there. The best training comes from people who use it every day. Those who understands the workflows of a day-to-day run laboratory. That is why Whip Mix's Digital Forum is so important. Bringing together experts in the digital world, in one place, to talk about utilizing the digital workflow every day. What's worked and what hasn't.
Sharon Britt 800-626-5651 x 1270
Join Whip Mix for a webinar: Digital Diagnostics with 3Shape: The Cornerstone to Way More than Just Digital Wax-Ups – Part 1 with Al Fillastre, CDT on Tuesday, August 27th, 2019. Learn more or register now: https://hubs.ly/H0kfhz40
Support the Foundation For Dental Laboratory Technology by supporting the Race For the Future 6.0. When you are donating select "Race For The Future Racer" as type of donation. Then you can enter either Barbara Wojdan or Team Voices From the Bench.
*A BIG thank you to Digital Dental for supporting the podcast. Be sure to check out the their FDA-approved custom abutment solution that you can bring into your lab. https://digitaldental.com/abutment/ *
Come see ELVIS Live as he and many others talk about dental laboratory marketing. The podcast is edited. Have you ever wondered what it is like unedited? Now is your chance.
2019 DS Lab Marketing Summit - September 20-21 - Charlotte, NC